Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Just Hard to Hold On To.

So why is it that you like someone and you become really good friends with that person, and eventually to the point where she wants to be your best friend and your ok with that fact. Then out of no where you somehow fuck up and don't even know what you did. Then immediately everything changes to the point where you dont talk as much anymore and even when you do talk, the conversations aren't anywhere near the same, and then you wonder... What the fuck have I done right?

Yeah. So you wonder whats troubling me? Well its the fact that I'm stubborn to the point where I can't accept the fact that she wont tell me. ever.

Then I wonder. Hmmm will I get back to what it was. That. Balance.

That. Balance. Just something that lasted so short.

it was nice

but now its gone. i told her i'd always be there in the end....its just hard to hold onto the beginning

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