Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Alligned Myself With Logic.

Logic has taken me to accept my wellbeing, while questioning everything around it. I stand by the fact that I cannot do something without reason, whatever it may be. To put simply as to the point of this essay as well as whats been on my mind is what logic has to do with faith.

I can blaim my loss of faith because of it. It's not something that degraded because of my distaste for the followers of the higher power, its more of, it doesn't give me enough answers to me question of a higher power.

Someone literal about their beliefs can explain it to me, yet none can take the prevolence of another perspective when something crosses in between them. That would be me, because of how I stand between the two.

Faith in me, is gone, it has wasted away and caste out of me.

Its rather, because it agrees with my well being.

And I can assure that I will probably never be able to get it back. Even if the stars aligned and the moon cast's its shadow on me. My disclosure of questions on it will still never lack because of it. Sure I can be considered to be the mind of a scientist, but nonetheless, logic has become my faith.

God. That word never makes sense. The way it has been described to me, just doesn't stand anywhere near reason. There are so many absolute things that people desire from it, that can wreck the foundation set upon it. To me, it just doesn't work.

It's because I have made a selfless choice. A choice that brings me great comfort as well as great misfortune.

My ramblings continue:

Adhere, why would I align myself with one religion when another with good reason, contradicts it completely.

I mean the stars have a better chance to align themselves, than religions aligning with each other. To agree.

Of course someone who has faith by their side can give an easy answer to that all religions agree on one thing.

But yet that's only looked upon the shell that each religion casts over themselves, besides its just as easy to describe the similarities of rocks next to a river bed. But taken from a view such as mine, the differences eventually mare the simple similarities that exist between them. Which I'm talking about religions not rocks mind you.

*sigh* for self clarification I have believed in one of those faiths and also put it behind me. Yet I have only stood with it for sometime because the transparency of answers it gives me is too great.

Maybe people themselves are to blame for this. Maybe the mistakes they pull are to blame for this. Maybe its just the fact that human error can never be ruled out.

.to be continued.

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