Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Echoes of Angels That Wont Return

If I manage to get through this year without pulling a knife on someone, I will be surprised. Actually I'm joking and its just more of the way I have been feeling. It's difficult to stand by and have your hopes crushed and you can do nothing about but watch as tears fall out of your eyes.

The quiet scares me because it screams the truth

*sigh* I don't even know how to describe it. Maybe I am holding back because I am afraid to write down what I am thinking.

So be it.
Can't escape it.
I'll let it eat me alive.
And have no remorse that is felt by other people.

Damn I need to get out of this mood.

It's sickening, and I'm probably going to keep going on about the pointlessness of it all.

What makes me truly happy? If only I knew. If only you knew.
Bah. Forget it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Did That Bomb Just Explode?

"Yes it did"

"Yes quite"

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

"I say how about some krumpets?"

"Or a bomb in zee face"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Dim Lit Future

Apperently I can't take tests, more specifically the SAT

It's really sad of how low I scored on the damn thing. Even in math.

I don't understand that I am able to take Math 170 (A college class) yet someone that barely passed Algebra could score much better than me.

I don't know, apparently this test shows my future.

Gawd I would do anything to get into a good college.

There is always something missing, yet of course I don't know what or else I would be spending the rest of my life trying to fix it.



Thursday, January 8, 2009

When an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object

The Week

So stressful
I don't know what to do
Fricken sucks
Its not because I'm a senior
Its not because of school
It's people Its annoying me

Stupid stupid people....

If a stupid person could realize their stupidity, and not have someone else tell them......

Gawd its a weird week
It's putting me in a weird mood my emotions well are not on a roller coaster
Or blasting off into the outer space
They seem to be digging towards the center of the Earth

Which is bad


Fuck it. Common sense can't even find a job in this economy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'll Mend Myself Before It Gets Me

*Sigh* Man school is on its way to a close, and I realize that I only have so much time left in Idaho City. I feel this semester is going to be completely different from the last, and well it’s expected. We prepare ourselves with our predetermined futures that sits in our minds waiting to get out, not know that we have so much more ahead of us.

The unknown is coming and most people don’t even realize that their dreams are going to go through some changes, whether it be the school that they go too or the fact that what they though was a dream was merely something that should be left to the kids to think about. I come back from San Diego knowing that I need to start getting my act together.

Though I have dubbed SD as my false reality that I share with no one else...

As I speak of this, still there is something missing, well actually It's something that I am missing personally which I do not choose to describe at this moment because I still don't know what to think of it. But, yes something missing, I emerse myself into all of this discression I have about what I need to prepare for the future when I still need to do one last thing before. Which of course it might not even happen, but still if I can make myself curious about it, then it should be something worthwhile to go for.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Notice this post has been pre-adjusted to accommodate the extra second.

Happy New Year to all, as this post I have decided to write down my resolutions, and since I have an extra second handy I think I will be able to accomplish all of them.

Here they are:

Get into a good college

GTG (that's for me to know haha)

Find a computer that won't crash on me

Find a job

Play Golf more

Hang out with friends more

Be more outgoing

Be more productive when necessary

Enjoy youth while I still have it

FAIL Less - Actually on my Ipod touch I had made a FAIL counter to see how many times I FAIL this year.

Stay in shape

And last, continue being a nice guy, and a good friend

There they are and they are relatively reachable, but I hope everyone had a good New Year's Eve.

"When everyone is against you, it means that you are absolutely wrong, or absolutely right."
~Albert Guinon